May 10, 2005

clean slate

Well, we did do the housecleaning on Saturday. I'm pleased. And pleasantly surprised by how it makes me want to really keep the house picked up, reorganize, declutter, and keep it looking nice. It relaxes me. And now, it's like the guilt of "dirty" is gone, and I've been working on my arts and crafts projects, since on my downtime I don't feel I have to clean, and when I feel overwhelmed and don't - I then feel I don't have the "right" to do enjoyable stuff like that. But they'll be coming every other week.

Managing the money will be interesting but I'm trying to keep to the budget.

So, I like it. Something I never thought I would do, but I'm liking it.

We have a big even this Saturday for our business, so I'm looking forward to that.

In kid news, Jay and I have Joseph's kindergarten orientation on Monday, and back to school night the week after. Very scary.

Logan is working in the plus and minus column simultaneously. He's been biting the kids. Ok, fine, most children go through this stage. The problem, with my stubborn kid, is he clamps down, and doesn't let go, and has to have his jaw pried open by the babysitter. I actually agree with the bite them back method, but we're not there when it happens, so we can't. It worked with Joseph, but we were there to bite him back (still have a scar on my chest from a chunk he took out of me). But on the other end of the spectrum, he sat on the potty. Didn't do anything while he was there, but it's the first time he sat - and there were no tears of terror!

The boys are so different in so many ways. When Joseph is mad at us, as fairly frequent occurrance, he yells, stamps, starts crying, and then rushes from the room, as he doesn't want us to see him crying. Logan on the other hand, after the initial tantrum, will do the "mean stare." It's great. Think toddler poker face. He tilts his head down, then looks up at you from under his eyebrows, presses his lips together, and just stares. Doesn't look away, doesn't blink, and it is NOT a puppy dog look. It's a vulcan death ray look, as if he just concentrates hard enough, *poof* he gets way. It's a little disconcerting. Jay however turns the how long will it take to break him game.

So the kittens are coming home soon. Note, that was plural. We're taking home the litter (all two). Our life will soon be more chaotic.

I really have GOT to get a digital camera.

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4:48 p.m.