April 12, 2004

Happy Birthday dear Joseph

I'm not pregnant. I got it on Saturday at the movies. And boy is it a doozy. I've lost enough blood to have almost fainted 2x this weekend - just for standing up. So, annual check-up is in May, and I'll be asking about that one. So, not cool.

Everything else is moving right along at a good clip.

My little Joseph boy is 4 years old today. It is so hard to believe. Jay will be bringing home balloons tonight, since Joseph informed us this morning that it's not his birfday unless we makes him some balloons. So there will be a celebration this evening with gifts, and cake (home-made thankyouverymuch), and frosting, and gifts.


He starts preschool this September.

He starts kindergarten next September.

OK, I need to stop, or else I'll be a grandma at 29.

A bit of quiz...

Power Rangers Movie!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

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9:27 a.m.