July 10, 2002


Hey hey! Here I am and it hasn't been a month since the last entry. Hurray for me!

The job search is going good considering I've only been at it about a week and a half. For an "outside" job anyway. I had an interview on Tuesday, but it didn't go well. The recruiter who sent me there talked to the lady, and I know why it didn't go well, and will use that information on the next interview. But I did superb on the testing which relieves me to no end. I have another interview tomorrow. That's for an assistant job in a recruiting agency. I have another interview with a headhunter on Tuesday so she can see what jobs she might have available for me.

The daycare search has been solved. The kids will probably be watched by a friend of the family for really cheap, which is good on all fronts. I'm very excited about this. My little ones won't be with strangers. It might have been good for Joseph, but Logan is just too young not to be one on one with someone.

I'm trying to hurry with this entry, since Logan is in the throes of his nightly fussiness. I never have time during the day, and Logan is fussy at night, so it seems I never write in my journal. But I'm a tired new (and old) mother. I must write out what I'm feeling.

I'm 27 years old, and getting gray hair. Along the center part. Hello! I'm not even 30 yet. Is this supposed to be happening? Then again, Jay's hair is getting a little thin in the front, so maybe I shouldn't feel so bad.

Time to start looking for the hair color that says "covers gray" instead of the one's that say "will not successfully cover gray".

I'm very torn about this whole going back to work. On the one hand, I want to be the one to raise my kids. On the other hand, I want them to be able to go to college. On the one hand, I don't want to have to get up and get ready every day at the crack of dawn. On the other hand, I want to someday own a house. On the one hand, I don't want to miss all the "firsts". On the other hand, I need to do something outside the house before I blow up. It's a huge compromise kind of thing. I'm torn. And I don't think those feelings will ever go away.

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1:13 p.m.