November 30, 2001


I can't believe that it has taken me this long to write again. Well, here I am. The truth is, I've been fighting depression. Jay and I both think that it's the pregnancy hormones. But, I'm feeling better for more days in a row, so that's a start. On the pregnancy front, I'm now out of the morning sickness phase, though there are still rough spots. I'm 4 months (16 weeks) along now. And the big news is, I don't have gestational diabetes! That was a big problem with Joseph. They're going to test me again in about 10 weeks, but so far, blood sugar is perfect.

I still haven't found a job. I don't even want to discuss that since I'm so discusted with it.

Good news: we will have a little money for Christmas! I went to my old job for a couple of days a weeks for the last month and a half. So, we have a little extra money. Good thing too - if I hadn't, there would be no gifts, no tree even. But that has changed!

I found something called It's helping me get my act together as a stay-at-home-mom, as far as housework and things goes. I'm very excited about that. Although I'm still not doing too great at it. I think that was the depression acting out, but I seem to be doing better now.

That's all I have to say. Really though, I'm living a boring life. Perhaps if I were to write more, I could write more about different things I'm feeling, instead of huge chunks of time, where all I have to write about is monumentous occassions. Which, lets be honest, doesn't happen a lot in my life.

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12:03 p.m.