June 25, 2000


I may have signed up for nutrisystems, but I haven't started it yet. I have to wait til I have money to go buy things like vegetables. Hrmph. I don't know how long I'll be able to do this on our budget.

I updated the photos page... There are now pictures of my little one up there! He's a cutie. I know I'm biased, and yes, I think he's a genius, but he's still a cutie.

Jay and I went to an "I Still Do" conference this weekend. It's a Christian married couples conference. It was all day. Each section was an hour long. What is a covenant?; what are our roles?; conflict resolution; intimate issues (sex); and our legacy. It was very good, the speakers were great, and we learned a lot. It definitely put in perspective what a Christian marriage is, and practical ways to make that happen. It's very confusing to be a Christian wife these days... I have to toe the fine line between being submissive and being a doormat. Another line I have to toe is being an independent career woman of the 90's, and simply helping my family out by working. I want to be submissive to Jay, who is the headship of our little family (headship does not equal male domination), but I need to make sure that I don't let him take advantage of that. He doesn't, but I could easilly let him. I don't want to be a career woman. I want to take care of my family and home. But financially we can't do that. So, I also need to keep my priorities in line so that I don't take my family for granted. It's very difficult. I'm so glad I have God in my life. I know I'm not alone, I know that He has a purpose for me, and that I can turn to Him. If I just give my problems up to Him, He'll show me the way through. I know these things, but I forget many times just to turn my eyes up. If I did that, I wouldn't worry nearly as much as I do. Anyway, the conference really gave us some wonderful things to think about. The best part for me I think was seeing my role as a wife and mother from a scriptural basis. We also renewed our vows, and received a copy of the vows we took to hang on our wall. One of the speakers mentioned that changes in our schools, and leadership/government, and society as a general rule, doesn't come from the government, or teaching, or even church. It comes from the family and the home life. I truly believe that. Change must start in our homes, otherwise how is anyone going to have a base? You can learn in your home, make mistakes and triumphs, and no matter what, be loved. I believe that's where our strength comes when we're out in the world doing things. We know what is right and wrong, how to treat people, and basically where we stand. We learn those things in our home, whether we're 8 or 80. This confernce gave me insight on how to have a closer relationship with God, my husband, and my son. This was very good for us, and I recommend it to every couple.

Joseph spent the weekend with his grandparents so we could go to this thing. I missed him a lot. But he was a good boy, and happy to see me. I think I was afraid he would forget who I was (even though I never mentioned that out loud). But he remembered me. He remembered my arms. What a booberry.

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11:06 a.m.