September 15, 2005

back to school fleecing

Softball starts next week... Here's hoping I don't make an ass out of myself.

I went to back-to-school night last night. Here's a conundrum for you - why in heaven's name don't they provide childcare (games in the cafeteria maybe?) when they expect both parents, and no kids allowed? This makes no sense to me whatsoever. So, Jay stayed home with the kids, and I went, since he did orientation. This public school wants a lot of our money - let me just tell you. As for volunteering, I am now the book order mom. I can do this without taking time off work, so that works great (not to mention my love of all things books). In fact, I'm excited about it! I had to write a letter excusing our family and Joseph from the "Witches Cauldren" booth for the Halloween Haunt, their biggest fundraiser. I would have been okay with him participating, if it was dress up (I get veto power) and a class party with cupcakes, you know? But no - it's this big festival, with haunted stuff, and the kindergartners are doing the witches cauldron - so I shudder to think what the older classes are doing. I'm sorry it's the biggest fundraiser, but I can't allow him to participate when I tell him certain things are wrong - same with MY participation. So far, I haven't seen any backlash which is good.

I'm sorry - but my son is in public school? So why have I shelled out so much money - and why are they expecting so much more money from me? I shouldn't have to pay for supplies for the whole class. I mean, I'm going to - Joseph's teacher shouldn't have to pay for it out of pocket - but my point is - where are my taxpayer dollars going???

We are poor people living in a very affluent community. The schools are GREAT! People move here for the school district. In fact, our high school is #2 in the nation. I don't have a complaint about the education my child is receiving - I'm just saying that they're expecting a rather high financial contribution from someone who's poor, who put their child in public school - while still paying for child care since Kindergarten is half day - plus more childcare for the child not yet old enough for school.

It's very frustrating, and I just don't understand it.

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9:38 a.m.