September 01, 2005

home run

So, my little technical issuestil has yet to be resolved, and I still have yet to hear from anyone. This is rather frustrating!!

So, Joseph started school, and LOVES it. I'm so glad he does. And yesterday, his third day of school, he was learning how to write his name. Plus, the child education center (childcare) on the school grounds let me know that our tuition assistance came through, and they're going to cover 80%! What a blessing and a relief.

I started softball on our work team. Went to the first practice last night, and the first word that comes to mind is Ow! After that - I've noticed that there are 4 basic ideas you need to know. Run, hit, catch, throw.

I can't catch. I can't throw.

But I can sure hit! And run! I was rather proud of myself (thought I couldn't hit to save my life). Out of all my practice hits, I missed three, and fouled 2. All the rest were nice base run hits (I'm reguritating what I heard last night - I have no idea what I just said). I think this will be fun. Another practice tonight, and can I remind you... Ow.

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10:27 a.m.