December 22, 2004


Okay. So if you didn't catch it yesterday, there's a bright spot. I got the job I wanted!

Okay back to the bad and ugly... Anyone with kids knows the hell I'm currently going through right now. So, it's four days til Christmas. Three for prep, right? I still have all the Christmas shopping to do, due to the monetary situation. I have to go grocery shoppinjg for Christmas cookies, and Christmas breakfast breakfast and dinner. I have to bake the cookies. We still have to get Logan to see Santa. I still have to wrap all said gifts, and my parent's gifts, because of course, they're out of town and asked me to. I also have to clean this house from top to bottom. The kids are in childcare, so all this shouldn't be a problem right?

So we were up all night last night. I do mean all night. With a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old with the stomach flu and all that entails. At the same time. Every single towel, sheet, blanket, and pillow in the house (and I mean that literally) have to be washed as well as some clothes and car seat covers. Jay had to work, so I'm here at home doing none of what needs to be done taking care of them. Did I mention my parents are on vacation? We haven't had any "eruptions" since 7:20am, so we're on a good kick. However, now, they both have low-grade fevers. So. And of course, my in-laws are coming. And the kids seem to be sick every time they visit to the point that my mother-in-law gave me a book about healthy holistic foods and using food as a preventative measure. You ever try getting a 4 year old to try artichokes? Yeah. I'm laughing too.


The fun just doesn't stop around here.

Have you ever seen the seen in "The Ya-Ya Sisterhood" where Ashley Judd's kids all get sick at once, and she runs away?

Not a bad idea.

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11:11 a.m.