December 11, 2004

Christmas sickness

So the annual event has ocurred. The Michele-gets-sick-around-Christmas event. Once of those nasty, in the chest, colds. I'm waiting for the really bad days. You know, the huddle on the couch in the middle of the blankets and grunting in monosylables. Unfortunately, I have interviews every single day next week. I have no idea if I will have to cancel. I bet that'll look good to a future employer.

I'm about to do our money for the week, as Jay got paid his first paycheck yesterday. I'm positive I'll be depressed, which is why I'm doing my entry now. I won't want to later.

I haven't the foggiest notion what to write about today. Short updates on everything... Jay LOVES his new job, with a real, honest, benefits loving company. I'm still lookign for a job, and I think I'll get an offer on the job I really really want next week. The wait is killing me. The kids are good.

Logan's heart is good for now. Although I've been a little concerned since he's sweating more when he plays, which is the only true outside symptom until he really gets bad. I know that the transplant is imminent, however, putting it off means a better chance of surviving later. So it's a waiting game that I try not to think about so I don't panic. That's not to say my head's in the sand. He gets his checkups, his EKGs, and his Echos regularly, and we keep check on his weight and developmental progress, but other than that I can't let myself think about it or I get close to hyperventilating.

Money's tight. Unemployment checks are a joke, which I find disgusting with the deductions one pays when paid. I ask you, where did it go?

Hope you all have a great weekend.

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9:34 a.m.