April 06, 2004

big update

Yes, I'm still alive.

So much has happenned in the last month that I actually had to go to my last entry and take notes, so I could propoerly update.

We definitely are going to Palm Springs - May 14th - 16th. VERY excited about this. No kids. This is a big deal. Massages will be involved, and maybe facials. This is a very good thing.

Dave and Shannon had their baby, a beautiful little boy named Dylan. And... I was there! Shannon wanted me to come, and with her family in and out, and Dave's squeamish stomach, her epidural, etc., I ended up being the only one, other than medical professionals, that she let touch her. And because Dave wasn't doing so hot with the blood & gore that goes with childbirth, it was me who helped clean her up, and moving her legs up for the doctor to do pelvic checks, etc. I saw more of Shannon than I EVER thought I would. But her family is neurotic, and Dave was trying to keep them all corralled, not to mention his parents were there together - who had a very acrimonious divorce - and it was just a huge circus. So I just ignored everybody and focused on Shannon, whom everyone seemed to have forgotten. I mean I know that everyone is focused on the baby - who is just gorgeous by the way - but, um, let's focus on the person who's got to push him out first, shall we? Anyway, the birth and recovery went slendidly, which was a concern, since she was on bed rest of the last 2 months, and had hypertension, and they almost needed to do an emergency c-section, since that child just did not want to be induced (the hypertension was reaching a critical level for Shannon's health). Dave is just amazed.

Jay and I quit Tae Kwon Do. There were several reasons for this. 1. Just can't afford it anymore. 2. We didn't have any respect for the Master. We loved the head instructor, but couldn't stand the Master, and in the end, he, of course, has the most influence. and 3. The master had recently joined a church that believes Jesus recently came back as a Korean, and nobody believed him, and now we're all going to hell unless we believe that this Korean in Korea was Jesus' second coming. Ummmmmm, let's just say that this fundamentally disagrees with what Jay and i believe, and we staying there would have been wrong for religious reasons. Jay and I definitely want to go back to it, at another school, once we're financially on our feet, but now is not the time.

Jay graduated and found a job as a architectural drafter in Redondo Beach. Which is a LONG way. So he has a long commute, and works from home 2 days a week. He quit the grocery store. I switched my hours at work, so that I can pick up the kids 3 days a week. He's making less, but we knew that going in. I'm still not used to the new schedule (I have to get up before 5:45am now) and I guess it will be a few weeks before it kicks in. The time change happening in the same week didn't help at all. I'm simply exhausted now in the afternoons. But it's just a matter of time. Jay and I are now lik a normal family! Sleeping in the same bed 7 nights a week! Weekends off!! Getting home at a decent hour for baths and dinner and such!! It's so odd. In a good way. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop since it's been so good for us.

In other news, I'm starting my own business. Doing what I do now from a distance. It's going to take about a year to actually see any progress, and I've decided not to link to my business from here. I just don't want to mix the two. So, if any of you want the URL, please just email me, and I'll be happy to give it to you. And think good thoughts, or pray, or whatever you do for this to happen for me. I've been thinking about it for a couple of years, it's a huge gigantuan step & risk, and I'm scared to death. And with Jay's support, I'm doing it anyway.

Consider yourself updated.

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8:56 a.m.