October 01, 2003

demo off

Can someone please explain to me why all my plans fo awry? From little things - like me planning what to cook for dinner, and coming home to Jay already having fed himself and the kids Mac and cheese, to the big things, like his surprise party being cancelled. It really gets me down. I am no longer going to be in the Tae Kwon Do demonstration this Saturday. My parents had to go out of town on an emergency this morning, and my friend Amy is in Washington at the moment, so I have no one to watch the kids. So I have to drop out, and Jay's going to be in it. This sucks.

What was the best piece of advice or tip you've received in regards to weight loss and fitness issues?

Probably that it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. In order to keep this up, and keep it that way when my goal is reached, it's a lifestyle change. I need to excersize regularly for health reasons. I want to be able to really play with my grandkids one day. I need to make healthy choices MOST of the time, in order to stay that way. It's a change of mental attitude, not a quick fix, and when I reach goal, I'm not "done", I'm just getting started.

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11:23 a.m.